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Huilerie de Lapalisse


The history of the Lapalisse oil mill, a true family adventure in the village of Lapalisse, began in 1898 and continues today.

The master oiler Abel PAILLARD produces oil of walnuts, hazelnut, roasted rape, and fine linseed oil used to cut the oils. The cakes processed into pharmaceutical flaxseed flour were used to make pouches

From the 50s, Abel Charvier, grandson of the founder, set up an investment policy that transforms the small workshop and allows to increase the capacity of refining to 2000 kg per operation, or 8000 kg/ 24H.
In the seventies, investments continue with new production units raising the crushing capacity to 62 tons of seeds per 24 hour.
This development is not at the expense of the craft unit that has built the history of the family for 4 generations.

In 2012, a fire ravages the original craft workshop. It will be quickly rebuilt.
A recovery plan will be implemented with the development of sales in France and export, development of the crushing and packaging of organic oils (2015/16), new automated packaging line (2018), new fruit crushing workshop in 2020.

In 2022, the Lapalisse oil mill returns to its origins. To make itself known and recognized, it has a strong brand: ABEL 1898, a brand with symbolism, which is based on the name of Abel PAILLARD, founder of the company and the date of acquisition of the first mill in Lapalisse.

History is an eternal beginning !!!


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